

I'm Akhil Time Management(ATM).

Hi, I ‘m Akhil Baheti, Best Time Management Coach in India. We have been known as ATM – Akhil Time Management. We provide Time Management Trainings and Time Management Workshops. Our Forte is more into techniques related to Delegation of Work (We delegate tasks every week, so that we can generate more and more time for yourself & growth of Business Seamlessly), Focus (We allow our clients to do more work with Focus & have minimum Distraction), Decision Making (We spend lot of our time in making decisions in front of catching the available opportunities, hence this technique sort out things easily and help us make quick decisions).

The overall purpose of these Time Management Technique is to fulfill our life with full of Comfort, sorted one & always growing. We have fulfilled this dream for many clients & will be doing it forever.


I'm Akhil Time Management(ATM).

Textile Engineer by profession, is owner of 3 Factories at Ichalkaranji, Manchester of Maharashtra, India. He travelled from One Factory in year 2008 to Three by 2014, with active involvement in social world.

He was Leo District President in year 2012 & Leo Multiple PRO in 2013. Hence, all these techniques were implemented first in his own life & then he tweaked them for world so that they can apply them with ease. So, this is not just learn & deliver, this is something Experienced – Tweaked – Conveyed method.


Signature Program


This is a 5-Day Live Workshop, Specially Designed for Entrepreneurs, to help them move towards Challenging Works from regular Operational Works.

Most Inquired


This Workshop is designed For Employees, where we work on their Time Spending Habits at work as well as in their personal life to boost their overall Involvement & Energy. This results in improved efficiency as they become comfortable in their life. The duration of the Workshop depends on the Points to be covered & the Number of Employees.

AKHIL BAHETI’S BOOK - समय नहीं है?

Directly or indirectly we are involved in various tasks apart from our Work, like Health, Family Time, Friends etc. How to manage this everything in 24 hours? Hence 100 such questions related to Time Management are solved with epic examples as well as action tips.


Rahul Gupta

अखिल जी अपने एक हमेशा मनः स्थिति से हारे व्यक्ति के लिए एक संजीवनी बूटी के समान है। बहुत बहुत ...

Rahul Gupta
Gangadhar Chandak

अखिल सर एक मार्गदर्शक, सचेतक, मोटीवेशनल स्पीकर है उन्होने मेरे हर प्रश्न का उत्तर दिया मुझे मार्गदर्शीत किया है आपसे ...

Gangadhar Chandak
Anurag Pandey

अखिल सर के वीडिओज़ और जिस तरह से वो किसी विषय को समझाते हैं वो सरल और स्पष्ट है।। सभी ...

Anurag Pandey
Chetan Oswal

Akhil Baheti’s “ATM” plan is a brilliantly crafted time management plan. In months time it provide you powerful and workable ...

Chetan Oswal
Shreyansh Jain

अखिल जी का समय प्रबंधन सिखाने का तरीक़ा बहुत ही सहज और सरल है। हर रोज़ मैं एक नई बात ...

Shreyansh Jain
Jignesh Patel

Currently we are into this course and are enjoying its benefits. I personally feel that I am doing more productive ...

Jignesh Patel


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